Love me bunches or maybe a little? Well, there are many ways to show me some love! Here are some ways, and some are even free...


Many of you know about my health issues, that limit my ability to bring in the big bucks, working for a fancy company.


You're new here and don't know? I'll tell you the short story. I suffer from chronic migraines. They can be absolutely horrible and debilitating. Sadly, I have only about 5 migraine free days a month. I would only wish them on my worst enemy. Oh wait, I said that wrong, didn't I? 


Twitch is my only source of income so your support is extremely important to me!  If you enjoy the stream, please consider utilizing some of the sources/services that provide me with financial support.



Making a donation is the very best way to give me financial support. I get to keep the entire amount, whereas with a sub I only receive 50% of the amount you pay. 


If you donate while I'm live, please send me a whisper on Twitch. Why? The notifications don't always show up on stream and I want to celebrate your generosity! 


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Free love for prin

Here are some ways that you can give me some lovin for FREE! 


Did you know that just chilling in chat or even lurking is an amazing way to give me support? It helps my stats but MOST importantly it makes my heart all warm and gushy. Awwww

Amazon prime/prime gaming

With Amazon Prime you can sub to your favorite streamer (*cough*cough* me) for FREE! 


Here is where I sell you on the benefits of Amazon Prime. Why? Because I want your free sub. Yup, that's the only reason!  


Just kidding. The perks from Prime Gaming are pretty fookin nice for us gamers, and those that like to order toilet paper with free shipping. (raises hand)  So Amazon Prime + Love for Prin = Give Prin a free sub Okay? okay! 


Prime Gaming Info (Opens Amazon)

Subscribe Here:

Epic games


Use my code when making a purchase and Epic will throw a few pennies my way. Every penny counts! 

marbles on stream


Love Marbles on Stream? Well you better because we play it every stream! 

If you wanna buy coins or a season pass, use my link! It will buy my love. I swear! 

Watch pesky ads


I know ads are super annoying but by watching them, you help me pay my light bill!! Which means... You WATCHING them pays me monies!


Don't be a poop and run an ad blocker. Grrrrrr